27th July 2022

27th July 2022

  • Post category:Diary
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  • Reading time:4 mins read

July is already coming to an end, and honestly, I haven’t seen it come and go. 

I’ve been relatively productive in my day job, which isn’t really surprising considering that everybody else is on holiday so there are much fewer emails to answer than during the rest of the year. It is nice to be able to start work in the morning with the knowledge that I will not be disturbed. When you work in academia, summer typically is the period during which you can do the heavy lifting on projects, and although I do need a holiday too, I’m counting my blessings and I’m glad to see the progress on my bigger projects.

This being said, I am not secluded at home either, and there are plenty of dinners with friends ahead, in some cases with people I haven’t seen in literal years, so I’m looking forward to those like a 5-year-old who has been promised a trip to Disney World. 

Good news on the wedding front: I’ve finally put together my outfit (minus the shoes and a couple of accessories, but I have a good idea of what I want). It is not going to be a traditional wedding dress, and I’m leaning pretty heavily on my boho side. I’m very happy with my choices and I’m hoping that Jon will like them too once he sees me on our wedding day. We’ve made progress on the invitations too, and they are going to be very cute. I’ll show you once we get them. 

What with all those distractions, I had completely forgotten about the summer sales, and if you know about my relationship with clothes, you might not be too surprised to learn that I hadn’t bought anything until last week. As we were driving back from visiting my brother-in-law and nephew (who is cute as a button, by the way), Jon asked me if I wanted to stop at one of the shops I like, since it was on the way. He didn’t have to ask me twice, and I score a pair of shorts, two really cute kimonos, and a long kaftan that can only be described as Hitchcockian-Leading-Lady-goes-to-Ibiza. Needless to say, I’m thrilled (though I have NO IDEA what to wear it with, so I’ll probably just use it as a layer on top of a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt).

As far as the blog is concerned, you may have noticed a couple of changes: I’ve finally admitted to myself that I love food and cooking at least as much as I love travelling, which led me to create a new section dedicated to this second passion of mine. I know that dual-niche blogs do not fare as well on Google as single-topic blogs, but frankly, I do not care; I was never in it for the views anyway. I just hope you’ll enjoy the new Food section as much as I do. I’ve inaugurated it with a post that combines three obsessions of mine: cooking, archives, and free stuff with a super long post about historical cookbooks that you can download for free. And of course, I’m now seriously considering hosting a banquet entirely based on 4th-century Roman recipes. 

Catch you next week!

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