The Rolling Stones Blue Plaque in Dartford

Jon is used to my quirks (which I am sure he finds charming), but I guess even he didn’t understand what I was on about when I insisted we should spend the night in Dartford on our way to Scotland and go to the train station “in order to see a landmark”.

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I remember my first day in England as clear as day. My school had organised a trip to London for us to practice whatever we were supposed to have learnt in our English course. I was fifteen. The sun was shining in the early morning, the sea was calm and my friends and I were on the deck of the ferry from Calais.


Schadenfreude, hygge and other (un)translatable beasts

“Oh, you’re researching the untranslatable? Like hygge?” was the most common reaction. The second most cited example was “schadenfreude”. Those untranslatable tokens also were very popular with what looked like an infinite series of listicles invariably titled “Ten Untranslatable Words You Should Know” whose argument always seemed to be “Wow, foreigners are weird lol.”

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