My former students still speak English to me

I am an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, and my former students always speak to me in English. Even those who attended my class over ten years ago. Their mother tongue (at least, for most of them) is French; so is mine. Yet, whenever I run into one of them in town or on social media, they address me in English. 

Read more about the article The Phaistos Disc
Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc

Here’s the most fascinating artefact I have seen in a museum in a while (and I am a bit of a museum rat): the Phaistos Disc, currently on display at the Heraklion Archeological Museum.


5 No-Nonsense Language Learning Tips

Now that I am re-learning Spanish after almost ten years of not using it, I am reflecting on the best strategies to learn a language, which I thought might come in handy to some of you. Here's my no-nonsense rundown, based on my own experience as a serial language learner.


Schadenfreude, hygge and other (un)translatable beasts

“Oh, you’re researching the untranslatable? Like hygge?” was the most common reaction. The second most cited example was “schadenfreude”. Those untranslatable tokens also were very popular with what looked like an infinite series of listicles invariably titled “Ten Untranslatable Words You Should Know” whose argument always seemed to be “Wow, foreigners are weird lol.”

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