Weekend in Mons, Belgium
The Complete Guide, Part 1

Former capital of the Counts of Hainaut, chief town of the province and European Capital of Culture 2015, Mons is a charming little town that is well worth a weekend trip. As a resident of Mons, I had to share my tips for a nice weekend in our region with you. Am I being objective? Probably not. But have seventeen years in Mons taught me a thing or two? Absolutely.


Château de Seneffe

I don't typically write about Belgium, and it is a shame, to be honest. If I may say so myself, my (tiny) country has a lot to offer, and I'm not just talking about chips, chocolate, and beer (though they are ok, I guess). Take those random castles you've never heard of, for example.


Raymond Goes to War (Sort of)

While my great-uncle Raymond eventually grew up to be a functional adult, no one who actually knew him would say that I'm overstating it if I say that as a kid, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. This was due partly to the fact that he had been extremely sheltered as a child because he was the only boy in a family that already counted two very strong-willed girls, partly because we can't all win the common sense lottery. 


Before The Gnomes Took Over The Honey Maker

We used to go to the seaside by train. It was odd, now that I come to think of it, as in the early nineties, most families had a car. Still, we went to the seaside by train. Maybe it was a remnant of the first paid leaves for which the working class had gone on strike in the sixties when having a private vehicle was just not possible for everyone yet. It’s funny how we just mimic the previous generation’s ways without much questioning.

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Let’s Go to…The Military Surplus

Belgium has its lot of oddities, but I had never realized that military surpluses might be one of them until I had a conversation with my friend Gareth who claimed never to have seen such a thing in Wales. That’s when I started to think that maybe, such stores aren’t as popular in other countries as they are in mine.