Schadenfreude, hygge and other (un)translatable beasts

“Oh, you’re researching the untranslatable? Like hygge?” was the most common reaction. The second most cited example was “schadenfreude”. Those untranslatable tokens also were very popular with what looked like an infinite series of listicles invariably titled “Ten Untranslatable Words You Should Know” whose argument always seemed to be “Wow, foreigners are weird lol.”

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Unpacking Knickers

I have just started to unpack ten days’ worth of luggage after a lovely summer trip to Wales (translation: I have opened my bag, spent two minutes wondering if doing the laundry really was what I wanted to do with my day and decided against it), and something struck me: I hadn’t worn a good third of the clothes I had taken with me. I had to face it: I, like many other people, pack too much stuff.