Answering your search queries

In its infinite wisdom, The Search Engine That Shan't Be Named allows me to access the search queries that drive traffic to this blog. In an effort to connect with my readership, and because frankly, some of those queries are proper bonkers, I've decided to address them all in one post. You're welcome.


On Curating Joy

I didn't so much put this blog on the backburner as I straight-up abandoned it like a Dickensian child on the steps of a church, and I am very sorry about that. The truth is I had no idea what to write. Life in times of Covid-19 is weird, to say the least, and I still don't quite know how to put words on it. So I guess I'll just dance around the topic until I find out how to talk about it, and focus on a couple of things that have brought me joy in the past few months.


Why I Love Efteling

At only two hours from Brussels and one hour and a half from Amsterdam, Efteling is a wonderful alternative to other theme parks in Western Europe if you're into magic, fairy tales, and the unique Dutch approach to those realms. 


February Favourites

Every month, I write about three things I really liked as a way to reflect upon the good things. In February 2020, it was the Tutankhamun Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery, The Vicinity Outdoor Lounging Area in London, and A Curious History of Sex by Kate Lister.


How Not to Be an Arsehole at the Museum

The difficult bit of human existence is that everyone else is also participating in it. There are some great people, some kind of mid-range people, and then you have the massive arseholes who always seem to congregate precisely where they shouldn't be with the sole objective of making the rest of us miserable. And sometimes, they go to the museum.

Read more about the article Dolphin Watching in Gibraltar
Dolphins swimming in the Strait of Gibraltar

Dolphin Watching in Gibraltar

When I found myself in Gibraltar last Autumn, I couldn't resist the opportunity of going on a short boat trip to watch the dolphins that populate the Strait between Spain and Morocco.

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Beautiful Deal

You know how sometimes you find a place that gives you that particular feeling of contentment without really being able to pinpoint why? Deal is one of those places. With its tranquil quaintness and its one-of-a-kind beach, the small seaside town has it all, without ever being overwhelming.

Read more about the article The Phaistos Disc
Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc

Here’s the most fascinating artefact I have seen in a museum in a while (and I am a bit of a museum rat): the Phaistos Disc, currently on display at the Heraklion Archeological Museum.


January Favourites

Every month, I write about three things I really liked as a way to reflect upon the good things. In January 2020, it was Typh Barrow, the Dead Canary in Cardiff, and Morgans in Swansea.

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