Answering your search queries

In its infinite wisdom, The Search Engine That Shan't Be Named allows me to access the search queries that drive traffic to this blog. In an effort to connect with my readership, and because frankly, some of those queries are proper bonkers, I've decided to address them all in one post. You're welcome.


On Curating Joy

I didn't so much put this blog on the backburner as I straight-up abandoned it like a Dickensian child on the steps of a church, and I am very sorry about that. The truth is I had no idea what to write. Life in times of Covid-19 is weird, to say the least, and I still don't quite know how to put words on it. So I guess I'll just dance around the topic until I find out how to talk about it, and focus on a couple of things that have brought me joy in the past few months.